
GradProSkills provides Concordia graduate students with access to complementary skills training opportunities throughout their graduate school experience. Most workshops are hosted by internal and external partners. The exceptions are peer-review writing workshops (funding, writing, thesis) and orientation sessions. Connect to your future with GradProSkills!

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Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 02 April
  • 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 18 February
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 01 April
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 04 March
  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Online
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 21 March - 28 March
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Sir George Williams
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 06 March
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 20 February
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 25 March
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 14 June
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 26 May - 18 August
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 19 May - 11 August
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 06 May - 10 June
  • 08:45 - 10:00
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 03 May - 07 June
  • 13:00 - 14:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 06 May - 10 June
  • 10:15 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 03 May - 07 June
  • 14:30 - 15:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 06 May - 10 June
  • 11:45 - 13:00
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 03 May - 07 June
  • 16:00 - 17:15
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 08 July - 05 August
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Off Campus

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 06 May - 10 June
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Off Campus
What is an ePortfolio? Your ePortfolio is a personal website that holds in one place your academic and professional work.

Is ePortfolio different from CV? Absolutely! A CV ‘lists’ your achievements, while ePortfolio ‘shows’ your audience details of what you’ve done in an aesthetically pleasing way. Eportfolios are more memorable than text because you add photos and multimedia to show your work.

Why should I have an ePortfolio?
  • Eportfolios are becoming popular to complement traditional CVs and cover letters, and they allow you to:
  • Show off to future employers a full picture of your achievements and interests that is not possible in a CV.
  • Build your professional digital footprint. Future employers will search your name on the web, and finding your your eportfolio gives them a great first impression;
  • Make yourself “discoverable” in web searches by future employers and collaborators by adding keywords to your eportfolio.

This is a beginner's course so no previous WordPress knowledge is required.

The components of your ePortfolio will be completed incrementally every week. By the end of this 4-week course, your basic ePortfolio will have the following pages: About; Contact; Projects: multimedia works, etc; Optional pages: volunteering work, etc.

  • 12 May - 02 June
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 06 May - 20 May
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 05 May - 16 June
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams

This course is aimed at early to mid stage PhD and research-based MA students who are interested in exploring career options (academic and otherwise) in a supportive community. Over the course of four (4) weeks, students will undertake an introspective exploration to develop their self-awareness and explore what kind of professional pathways will be good fit for them. Students will be asked to consider their strengths, preferences, motivations, and acknowledge and articulate the transerrable skills they already have. 


Each class will include two (2) hours of in-class instruction as well as approximately one (1) hour of independent work. 

  • 06 May - 17 June
  • 10:30 - 12:30
  • Sir George Williams
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 14 May - 15 May
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 18 May - 20 May
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • In person & online
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 09 May - 13 June
  • 11:45 - 13:00
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 10 May - 14 June
  • 09:00 - 10:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 10 May - 14 June
  • 10:30 - 11:45
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 June - 12 July
  • 12:30 - 13:45
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 18 September - 06 November
  • 10:00 - 11:15
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 20 September - 08 November
  • 10:00 - 11:15
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 17 January - 21 February
  • 10:30 - 11:45
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 12 September - 17 October
  • 12:30 - 13:45
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 06 March - 10 April
  • 09:00 - 10:15
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 19 October - 23 November
  • 12:30 - 13:45
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 17 January - 21 February
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 March - 11 April
  • 13:00 - 14:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 February - 04 April
  • 11:45 - 13:00
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 June - 12 July
  • 14:00 - 15:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 20 September - 08 November
  • 11:30 - 12:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 18 January - 22 February
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 12 September - 17 October
  • 14:00 - 15:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 March - 11 April
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 19 October - 23 November
  • 14:00 - 15:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 17 January - 21 February
  • 12:30 - 13:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 07 March - 11 April
  • 14:30 - 15:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 07 February - 04 April
  • 13:15 - 14:30
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 07 June - 12 July
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 18 September - 06 November
  • 11:30 - 12:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 18 January - 22 February
  • 12:30 - 13:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 12 September - 17 October
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 19 October - 23 November
  • 15:30 - 16:45
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 19 January - 23 February
  • 11:00 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 09 March - 13 April
  • 13:00 - 14:15
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 27 January - 14 April
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 04 November - 09 December
  • 14:30 - 16:30
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 23 September - 28 October
  • 14:30 - 16:30
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 27 October - 24 November
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 15 September - 13 October
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams

Les étudiant·es inscrit·es aux cours de français au Département d'études françaises et à GradProSkills pourront participer gratuitement à l’activité découverte Explorons. Vous aurez la chance de parcourir la ville de Montréal et de découvrir des aspects culturels de celle-ci. 

Remarques : 

Pour participer, les étudiants de GradProSkills doivent être au niveau 3 ou plus. 

Students enrolled in French courses in Études françaises and GradProSkills will be able to participate in the free Explorons discovery activity. You will have the chance to explore the city of Montreal and discover its cultural aspects. 


To participate, GradProSkills students must be at level 3 or above. 

  • 21 June - 09 August
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Sir George Williams
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 26 October - 30 November
  • 15:00 - 16:15
  • Online
You must have studied French for at least 6 months to be eligible for this conversation workshop. Please note that you may be dropped from the training if your level is deemed lower than required.
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins six mois et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least six months and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 16 September - 21 October
  • 18:00 - 19:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 28 October - 02 December
  • 18:00 - 19:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous étudiez le français depuis au moins un an et vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en expression et en compréhension orales? Cet atelier de conversation en français animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’enrichir votre vocabulaire, d’acquérir un répertoire de structures de phrase et de pratiquer votre prononciation grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets.
Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.
You have been studying French for at least a year and a half and would like to develop your speaking and listening skills?  This French conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to enrich your vocabulary, expand your repertoire of sentence structures, and practice your pronunciation through activities and guided conversations on various topics.
Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.
  • 21 September - 26 October
  • 15:00 - 16:15
  • Online
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 19 October - 23 November
  • 10:00 - 11:15
  • Sir George Williams
Vous possédez une bonne compréhension du français et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en expression orale? Cet atelier de conversation animé par un locuteur natif vous permettra d’atteindre une meilleure maîtrise du français oral, d’enrichir votre vocabulaire et d’acquérir l’aisance nécessaire à une communication orale spontanée grâce à des activités et des conversations dirigées portant sur divers sujets. À titre informatif, cet atelier s’adresse aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont un niveau intermédiaire en français. Les participants sont encouragés à procéder à une auto-évaluation de leur niveau et à être objectifs en ce qui concerne leurs capacités.

Les participants seront encouragés à parler uniquement en français tout au long des ateliers de conversation afin d’être immergés dans la langue. Les ateliers permettront également aux participants d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture francophone.


You have a good understanding of French and would like to improve your speaking skills? This conversation workshop led by a native speaker will allow you to develop your mastery of oral French, enrich your vocabulary and acquire the fluency necessary for spontaneous oral expression through activities and guided conversations on various topics. For information purposes, this workshop is intended for students who have an intermediate level in French. Participants are encouraged to conduct a self-assessment of their level and to be objective about their abilities.

Participants will be encouraged to speak only in French throughout the conversation workshops in order to be immersed in the language. The workshops will also allow participants to learn more about Francophone culture.

  • 22 September - 27 October
  • 15:00 - 16:15
  • Online
What is an ePortfolio? Your ePortfolio is a personal website that holds in one place your academic and professional work.

Is ePortfolio different from CV? Absolutely! A CV ‘lists’ your achievements, while ePortfolio ‘shows’ your audience details of what you’ve done in an aesthetically pleasing way. Eportfolios are more memorable than text because you add photos and multimedia to show your work.

Why should I have an ePortfolio?
  • Eportfolios are becoming popular to complement traditional CVs and cover letters, and they allow you to:
  • Show off to future employers a full picture of your achievements and interests that is not possible in a CV.
  • Build your professional digital footprint. Future employers will search your name on the web, and finding your your eportfolio gives them a great first impression;
  • Make yourself “discoverable” in web searches by future employers and collaborators by adding keywords to your eportfolio.

This is a beginner's course so no previous WordPress knowledge is required.

The components of your ePortfolio will be completed incrementally every week. By the end of this 4-week course, your basic ePortfolio will have the following pages: About; Contact; Projects: multimedia works, etc; Optional pages: volunteering work, etc.

  • 27 January - 17 February
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
What is an ePortfolio? Your ePortfolio is a personal website that holds in one place your academic and professional work.

Is ePortfolio different from CV? Absolutely! A CV ‘lists’ your achievements, while ePortfolio ‘shows’ your audience details of what you’ve done in an aesthetically pleasing way. Eportfolios are more memorable than text because you add photos and multimedia to show your work.

Why should I have an ePortfolio?
  • Eportfolios are becoming popular to complement traditional CVs and cover letters, and they allow you to:
  • Show off to future employers a full picture of your achievements and interests that is not possible in a CV.
  • Build your professional digital footprint. Future employers will search your name on the web, and finding your your eportfolio gives them a great first impression;
  • Make yourself “discoverable” in web searches by future employers and collaborators by adding keywords to your eportfolio.

This is a beginner's course so no previous WordPress knowledge is required.

The components of your ePortfolio will be completed incrementally every week. By the end of this 4-week course, your basic ePortfolio will have the following pages: About; Contact; Projects: multimedia works, etc; Optional pages: volunteering work, etc.

  • 23 September - 14 October
  • 10:00 - 12:30
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 24 January - 07 February
  • 09:00 - 11:00
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 21 September - 05 October
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 28 October - 11 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 09 March - 23 March
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 13 June - 27 June
  • 09:00 - 11:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 04 October - 22 November
  • 15:00 - 16:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 31 January - 28 March
  • 15:00 - 16:00
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 03 October - 21 November
  • 12:30 - 13:30
  • Online
Do you have data you'd like to analyze? Would you like to gain insights from your data and communicate them with eye-catching visualizations and reports? Are you tired of being chained to Excel or expensive proprietary software? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then this workshop is for you. R is an open-source and versatile programming language that's perfect for data analysis, visualization, and science communication. 
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface. We'll then move on to the basics of vectors and data frames while getting a glimpse of how to visualize your data, which will lead us to the understanding of data import and cleaning. At last, you’ll be equipped with the tools to make publication-quality plots and will learn to generate statistical analysis to communicate your findings; all within the R ecosystem! 
This workshop has a collaborative and interactive structure, leveraging Udemy, Moodle, and live bi-weekly Q/A sessions. 
How does it work?
  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.
  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.
  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.
Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!
You don’t have any previous coding experience? No worries, there is no need for that! R was built to make data analysis easy and is used in many different fields, ranging from linguistics and marketing to ecology and sports analytics. If you want the ability to get more out of your data, join us to get started using R. 
  • 30 January - 27 March
  • 12:30 - 13:30
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 09 February - 29 March
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 20 September - 01 November
  • 18:00 - 20:00
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 20 October - 01 December
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 06 February - 27 March
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 25 October - 06 December
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 05 February - 26 March
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 30 September - 11 November
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 20 January - 10 March
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 01 February - 22 March
  • 09:00 - 11:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 05 July - 16 August
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 01 October - 19 November
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 02 October - 20 November
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
What does it mean to be a leader? This seminar introduces you to the process of leadership and the vast array of skills needed to be a leader in a variety of contexts. We will cover the fundamental skills that will shape your leadership style, including emotional intelligence, team dynamics, negotiating, solving problems, motivating others, giving feedback and intercultural communication.

The workshop series covers different modules that span over seven sessions where you must commit approximately 3.5 hours per week. Activities include working through case studies, role-plays, group discussions, and self-reflection. Upon completion of this series, you will receive a certificate and a personal plan for your leadership development.
  • 23 May - 11 July
  • 10:15 - 12:15
  • Sir George Williams

This course is aimed at early to mid stage PhD and research-based MA students who are interested in exploring career options (academic and otherwise) in a supportive community. Over the course of four (4) weeks, students will undertake an introspective exploration to develop their self-awareness and explore what kind of professional pathways will be good fit for them. Students will be asked to consider their strengths, preferences, motivations, and acknowledge and articulate the transerrable skills they already have. 


Each class will include two (2) hours of in-class instruction as well as approximately one (1) hour of independent work. 

  • 19 October - 09 November
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 23 May - 06 June
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 29 September - 13 October
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 26 October - 09 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 25 January - 08 February
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online

Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


In this course, you'll embark on an eight-week journey to build a foundation in Python. Each week, you'll dive into crucial programming concepts, starting from setting up your environment to implementing advanced machine learning models. By the end of this course, you'll be comfortable in Python, ready to apply your skills to real-world research problems.


How does it work?


  • Every week, students will complete asynchronous activities posted on Moodle.

  • The asynchronous activities include Udemy learning paths and mini exercises.

  • Students will be able to solidify their knowledge during the weekly one-hour live session with the instructor.


Participants who complete all exercises and attend all the weekly sessions will be eligible for a certificate of completion!


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop.

  • 08 March - 22 March
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 20 May
  • 10:30 - 12:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 16 January
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 07 October
  • 09:30 - 11:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 08 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 04 February
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 17 January
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 12 July
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 21 May
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.
  • 19 September
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 24 May
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Sir George Williams
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 06 February
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Loyola
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 03 November
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 20 September
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 30 March
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 20 October
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 28 January
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 05 July
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 14 May
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 18 September
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 05 April
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Online
Oral presentation skills are essential for every graduate student to successfully convey key aspects of their work in class, at academic conferences, and to potential employers.

This workshop outlines key elements that contribute to effective presentations, including preparation, structure, and delivery. We will discuss how to construct a presentation, as well as select appropriate visual aids, and discuss strategies for delivering a presentation in an engaging manner. The information covered in this workshop applies to both in-person and virtual environments including tips for a professional presentation in a home office setting and effective virtual engagement tools.

The one-time workshop is composed of two main parts: theory and practice. Theory on the essentials of graduate presentation skills will first be presented as students construct a brief presentation in parallel. The theory portion of the workshop will then be followed by an optional opportunity for participants to deliver their constructed, 3-minute presentation among peers, as well as give and receive feedback to each other and from the workshop leader.
  • 26 September
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Great leaders negotiate based on principles. Rather than understanding negotiations as an opportunity to defeat an adversary, they work as a team together with their counterparts, to increase the value of the outcome for every stakeholder. They persuade, but within a framework of truthfulness, respect, and social responsibility, because their goal is not a short-term personal victory, but a long-term fruitful relationship that benefits everyone.
In this workshop, we will emphasize the importance of continuously improving our negotiation skills, regardless of our area of expertise. Also, we will introduce the principled negotiations model, increase our ability to identify opportunities for negotiation, and become more persuasive negotiators. Finally, the workshop will offer an opportunity to apply these concepts in practical simulations.
  • 10 May
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Sir George Williams
Great leaders negotiate based on principles. Rather than understanding negotiations as an opportunity to defeat an adversary, they work as a team together with their counterparts, to increase the value of the outcome for every stakeholder. They persuade, but within a framework of truthfulness, respect, and social responsibility, because their goal is not a short-term personal victory, but a long-term fruitful relationship that benefits everyone.
In this workshop, we will emphasize the importance of continuously improving our negotiation skills, regardless of our area of expertise. Also, we will introduce the principled negotiations model, increase our ability to identify opportunities for negotiation, and become more persuasive negotiators. Finally, the workshop will offer an opportunity to apply these concepts in practical simulations.
  • 08 November
  • 18:00 - 20:00
  • Sir George Williams
Great leaders negotiate based on principles. Rather than understanding negotiations as an opportunity to defeat an adversary, they work as a team together with their counterparts, to increase the value of the outcome for every stakeholder. They persuade, but within a framework of truthfulness, respect, and social responsibility, because their goal is not a short-term personal victory, but a long-term fruitful relationship that benefits everyone.
In this workshop, we will emphasize the importance of continuously improving our negotiation skills, regardless of our area of expertise. Also, we will introduce the principled negotiations model, increase our ability to identify opportunities for negotiation, and become more persuasive negotiators. Finally, the workshop will offer an opportunity to apply these concepts in practical simulations.
  • 26 November
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Great leaders negotiate based on principles. Rather than understanding negotiations as an opportunity to defeat an adversary, they work as a team together with their counterparts, to increase the value of the outcome for every stakeholder. They persuade, but within a framework of truthfulness, respect, and social responsibility, because their goal is not a short-term personal victory, but a long-term fruitful relationship that benefits everyone.
In this workshop, we will emphasize the importance of continuously improving our negotiation skills, regardless of our area of expertise. Also, we will introduce the principled negotiations model, increase our ability to identify opportunities for negotiation, and become more persuasive negotiators. Finally, the workshop will offer an opportunity to apply these concepts in practical simulations.
  • 29 March
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Great leaders negotiate based on principles. Rather than understanding negotiations as an opportunity to defeat an adversary, they work as a team together with their counterparts, to increase the value of the outcome for every stakeholder. They persuade, but within a framework of truthfulness, respect, and social responsibility, because their goal is not a short-term personal victory, but a long-term fruitful relationship that benefits everyone.
In this workshop, we will emphasize the importance of continuously improving our negotiation skills, regardless of our area of expertise. Also, we will introduce the principled negotiations model, increase our ability to identify opportunities for negotiation, and become more persuasive negotiators. Finally, the workshop will offer an opportunity to apply these concepts in practical simulations.
  • 04 October
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 15 June
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 25 January
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 04 October
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 22 September
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 26 January
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 01 June
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online

Effective note-taking is a key part of succeeding as a graduate student. In this workshop, we will discuss how to keep on top of your graduate studies by developing efficient note-taking and organization strategies. It is important to go into every class, reading and research project with a note-taking plan. Participants will practice reflect on their current note-taking habits, be introduced to a number of different note-taking strategies, and have the opportunity to learn from one another’s methods.

  • 27 September
  • 10:00 - 11:15
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 19 May
  • 11:00 - 12:00
  • Sir George Williams
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 17 January
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 23 November
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 16 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 08 March
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 04 July
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 04 June
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Before you can write a successful paper, literature review, thesis, or any other academic work, you have to learn how to perfect the paragraph. Adopting the strategies for creating cohesive ideas, impactful statements, and a logical flow is crucial to any academic writing career.

Applicable to graduate-level writers of all backgrounds, the Perfecting the Paragraph workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the most common mistakes that lead to unconvincing, unclear writing. Taking the paragraph as an “idea” unit, the workshop looks at the formulation and purpose of the topic sentence. It then focuses on paragraph structure, development of the main idea, transition to the next paragraph, punctuation, style, and vocabulary.

This workshop is particularly useful for non-native English speakers. Please note that this workshop focuses on basic elements and tips important for academic paragraph writing.

This workshop is divided in three segments. The first segment will present the basic elements of an academic paragraph. The second segment will overview useful tips and resources to keep in mind while writing. In the third segment, participants will review a writing sample as part of a peer-reviewing exercise. In a supportive environment, the instructor and participants will provide feedback on randomly assigned, anonymous writing samples based on the information presented in the previous two segments. Since writing samples are anonymous, participants are highly encouraged to submit their own writing samples to be peer-reviewed during this segment.

  • 02 October
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 18 May
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 23 February
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 14 October
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 14 March
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 27 October
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 24 May
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 02 June
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • Loyola
Your graduate thesis is one of the ways that Concordia fulfills its mission to create and disseminate knowledge. As an official Concordia document, your thesis needs to meet certain requirements.

If you are a masters or doctoral student in the early or middle stages of drafting your thesis, this workshop is for you. This workshop will review the who’s who of thesis submission, the different kinds of theses (research creation, manuscript-based, traditional), and the differing requirements needed to submit. The workshop will also cover the important deadlines and procedures for thesis submission and graduation. Participants will be able to begin planning their own thesis timeline and submission plan during the workshop.
  • 29 May
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • Loyola
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 14 June
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 14 November
  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 23 January
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 29 September
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 06 October
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 03 February
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Writing emails is an essential part of everyday communication, and depending on your role, you may receive dozens, or even hundreds, of emails every day. If you want to be understood, it is critical that you learn and practice effective emailing in school, on the job, and in almost every aspect of your life.

In the digital world, we are living in, time is an asset. Acquiring good email writing skills can help ensure your message reaches your audience and that your audience is able to take action. Acquiring good email management skills will also help demonstrate your professionalism and make better use of your time.

This workshop will present best practices in email writing and organization, within the Canadian work culture. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these best practices and participate in several email writing and critiquing activities.

  • 25 May
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 20 January - 27 January
  • 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 26 March - 02 April
  • 12:30 - 14:30
  • Loyola
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 10 October - 12 October
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 21 June - 28 June
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 11 November - 18 November
  • 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 25 October - 01 November
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Online
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 13 December
  • 09:00 - 13:00
  • Sir George Williams
Projects are at the heart of an organization's life. Whether it is to carry out a specific project for a client, develop a new product or modify existing work methods, efficient project management is the key to achieve your goals. Should you use an agile methodology or lean towards a more traditional approach to manage your project? Should you use a tool or not? Should you monitor risks or quality? How far should you be tracking schedule and costs? This training reviews the foundation of project management by covering the essential elements of successful project execution. Learn the methods and processes needed to manage the planning, execution, monitoring, and closure of projects of all sizes, and get the opportunity to apply key concepts by working in teams on a fictitious project.
  • 17 January - 24 January
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sir George Williams

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 13 November - 15 November
  • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Loyola

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 23 November - 25 November
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Sir George Williams

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 31 May - 02 June
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Loyola

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 27 November - 29 November
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Sir George Williams

Do you wish the process of writing your thesis or next research paper was going a little faster? Do you sometimes feel unfocused, frustrated or alone in the writing process?  You probably need a boost... a thesis boost.


Concordia’s 3-day Thesis Boost Writing Retreat is back at Loyola Campus in November 2024. This highly-appreciated retreat is tailored for graduate students who are in the middle to late stages of preparing their thesis or writing an academic article. Bringing together advisors from the Library, Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness, and School of Graduate Studies, this retreat provides a supportive and motivating environment where you will accelerate your writing process. 

Throughout the event, you'll benefit from dedicated writing time and optional workshops focused on improving your writing strategies and productivity. Concordia University’s librarians and writing assistants will be available to provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Plus, you’ll connect with peers who are experiencing similar challenges.  

Join us to break free from isolation, connect with fellow graduate students, and develop productive writing habits. Take a significant step towards completing your thesis!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants should have begun writing their thesis or paper before participating in this event. 

  • 29 May - 31 May
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Loyola
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 08 June
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 07 February
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 21 September
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 14 September
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 02 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 01 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 25 July
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 28 May
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
This workshop will define the various elements that comprise a literature review and provide practical strategies for students in the process of completing a literature review for coursework. Specific topics that are covered include identifying scholarly literature, creating and following a research plan, and assessing the usefulness of texts for your literature reviews.

Students will also have the opportunity to read and examine samples of literature reviews from completed dissertations and critique them with their peers.

  • 23 October
  • 09:30 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 31 May
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Sir George Williams
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 02 February
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 10 November
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 08 November
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 19 January
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 11 May
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
Abstracts are a crucial part of the majority of academic writing. Being able to compose a concise, accurate, and attractive abstract is an essential skill for graduate students. Abstracts allow you to promote your work to a broader audience by making it easier for others to understand your work, and by increasing your chances of successful conference and journal submissions.

This workshop presents information to help you understand the contents and purpose of abstracts and essential writing strategies for crafting a summary of your work in the abstract format. The workshop includes activities that allow students to acquire writing strategies in an interactive environment, benefitting from peer feedback on their work.

  • 30 October
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Sir George Williams
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 01 June
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 14 February
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 19 October
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 28 September
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 18 January
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 18 July
  • 11:00 - 13:00
  • Online
The thesis proposal is an important step in the research process and can help both masters and doctoral students clarify their goals, questions, methods, and timeline. The thesis proposal is a road map to your research, and understanding how to effectively write and structure a thesis proposal can be a critical part of the research process.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to some of the different kinds of thesis proposals and encouraged to consider how their research fits into these guides. The workshop will provide opportunities to think through research questions, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and all the important sections that make up a thesis. It will also offer suggestions for how to structure and plan your own thesis proposal.
  • 20 November
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online