Get Started Coding with Python | GRTR513


Are you curious about coding, have a project in mind and don’t know where to start or think developing fundamental knowledge about programming can be helpful? In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.


You do not need any prior knowledge of coding or Python to participate in this workshop. If you are already familiar with coding or Python, then this workshop will be too basic for you and you should not attend.


You will receive an email prior to the workshop with instructions for installing Python and PyCharm on your personal computer. You will also have access to a Moodle course page.


This workshop consists of 3 sessions. Each session is based on a mix of theory (slides) and short practical exercises guided by the workshop leader. Between sessions, students are advised to review the material previously covered, re-do the last session’s exercises and try new exerciseson their own.

Learning Objectives

 After this workshop, you will be able to:


(1) Describe the process of creation of computer programs

(2) Create and execute Python scripts on your computer with the help of PyCharm

(3) Apply basic elements of the Python programming language: variables of varied data typesselection and repetition statementsfunctions and methodsusing modules, and reading and writing files. 

Leaders Information

This workshop is led by Adèle Aubin, Ph.D. student in Educational Studies, Department of Education.

Adèle has an academic background in Linguistics and Computer Science. Before starting her doctoral studies, she worked in the industry as a computer scientist specialized in natural language processing and speech synthesis. Her research focuses on how to improve the ethical training of future artificial intelligence workers.

How it works

Event details

Workshop location


Start date

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

End date

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Workshop days



From 10:00 to 12:00


Adèle Aubin


Harshal Vaid


36 / 50

Additional details

This workshop has 3 sessions. The dates are: May 23, May 30 and June 6

Registration deadline

Saturday, May 20, 2023