Getting Published: The Peer Review Journal Process | GPLL35


Getting published is one of your goals as a scholar but understanding the process of getting published in not intuitive. How do you pick a journal? How do you collaborate with co-authors? When are you ready to submit? After submission, how do you respond to feedback?

This workshop provides insight into the world of professional, peer-reviewed publications. We start by exploring the considerations you should take when choosing a journal and submitting your paper. We then discuss the peer-review process and responding to feedback in a professional manner. You will have the opportunity to critique real-life examples of journals, reviewer feedback and author responses.


Learning Objectives

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
  1. Select an appropriate journal for their work
  2. Describe the process of submitting a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal
  3. Identify the stages of peer review
  4. Respond effectively to peer reviews

Leaders Information

Arsenio is a PhD candidate in the Sleep, Cognition and Neuroimaging Laboratory at Concordia. His research is focused on using artificial intelligence to investigate how changes in sleep can predict the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and how physical activity and sleep influence cognition in older adults. Before coming to Montreal, he completed an MSc and DPhil (PhD) in Evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford, UK and a BSc, MSc and doctorate in the US. Arsenio has experience conducting clinical research, peer-reviewing, and publishing papers. When not at the lab, Arsenio is an avid reader, cook, and equestrian.

Varda Nisar (she/her) is a mother, daughter, and sister. She is also a doctoral candidate in Concordia’s Department of Art History and a Public Scholar (2022-23). Her work diverges in several direction, including art education and community outreach. While in Montreal, she has consistently tried to foreground the work of artists from Pakistan and South Asia. In 2021, she organized and convened a speaker series titled (Art+Micro)History: Contemporary Artistic Voices from the South, which drew attention to the specific concerns and artistic modes of resistance in Pakistan. In 2023, she co-curated a multi-venue exhibition, “re*  imagining / créer / building / faire / mapping / connaissance /…” with artists rudi aker, Pansee Atta, Amin Rehman, and Swapnaa Tamhane. She was a 2015-16 Arthink South Asia Fellow and worked with Spark Arts for Children as part of her secondment.Her doctoral research focuses on the nexus between cultural production and military regimes in Pakistan and how museums have come to play a critical role in it. 

Related Resources

How it works

Event details

Workshop location


Start date

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

End date

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Workshop days



From 11:00 to 13:00


Arsenio Paez

Varda Nisar


Bowen Xu


22 / 40

Additional details

This workshop has a $25 non-attendance fee

Registration deadline

Saturday, January 13, 2024