Peer Review Roundtable | GPLL263


Concerned about the publication process and what it might look like for you and your research? Join members of the Concordia University research and publishing community with peer review experience in various disciplines, to get the inside scoop on what’s expected and what to expect.

Leaders Information

This roundtable will be hosted by Dr. Rachel Harris, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, and will include the following panelists:

Ashlee J. Howarth is an Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Chair at Concordia University in Montréal. She was born and raised in London, Ontario. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Western Ontario in 2009, and then went on to do her PhD in inorganic materials chemistry at the University of British Columbia under the supervision of Michael O. Wolf. Before joining the faculty at Concordia, she completed an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University with Joseph T. Hupp and Omar K. Farha. At Concordia, the Howarth group is focused on the design and synthesis of rare-earth cluster-based metal–organic frameworks targeting applications in pollution remediation, catalysis, drug delivery, X-ray detection, and chemical sensing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Uri Shalev received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Tel Aviv University. After completing his postdoctoral training with Dr. Yavin Shaham at the National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH in 2002, he headed the behavioural laboratory in D-Pharm Ltd., Rehovot, Israel. At the same time, he was appointed a lecturer at the Academic College Tel Aviv-Yaffo. In 2004 he joined the Department of Psychology and the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology (CSBN) at Concordia University, where he is currently a full professor. He is currently the Co-Director of the CSBN. Dr. Shalev held a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Neurobiology of Drug Abuse until 2015 (ten years term, non-renewable).  His research focuses on the brain mechanisms that underlie relapse to drug seeking. More specifically, he utilizes animal models of relapse following exposure to acute and chronic stressors to study hormonal and neurotransmitter systems that are involved in the resurgence of drug seeking behaviour in rats.

Dr. Steven Stowell is Associate Professor of Art History at Concordia University. He is an historian of late medieval and Early Modern Italian art, whose research focuses on the devotional experiences and ritual uses of sacred images, the intersections between art and language, and the relationships between art and cultural discourses on gender and sexuality. He received his doctorate from Oxford University in 2009, and holds a BFA and an MA from Queen's University, Kingston. Prior to joining the faculty of Concordia University, Dr. Stowell held a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Art at the University of Toronto, where he also taught in the Renaissance Studies Program at Victoria College. In his book, The Spiritual Language of Art: Medieval Christian Themes in Writings on Art of the Italian Renaissance, Dr. Stowell investigates the relationships between art, literature, and devotional responses to images. He has also published research in numerous edited volumes, as well as the journals Word & Image, Dante Studies and Renaissance and Reformation.

Dr. Erkan Yönder is an Associate Professor of Real Estate Finance and serves as the Chair of the Finance Department at John Molson School of Business, Concordia University.  With a primary focus on real estate finance, Erkan's expertise lies in commercial real estate, commercial mortgages, and sustainable real estate. His recent works mainly focus on the critical intersection of climate issues in the real estate industry. Erkan's research has found its way into esteemed academic journals, including publications in the Review of Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Real Estate Economics.  His projects have secured multiple grants from renowned institutions such as the National Pension Hub (NPH), Real Estate Research Institute (RERI), and the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA). Notably, his research earned him the Nick Tyrrell Real Estate Research Prize in the UK and the distinguished Best Published Article Award from Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a United Nations-supported initiative. Erkan has had the privilege of presenting his scholarly work at some of the world's leading universities, including MIT, Yale University, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and Cornell University. Erkan received his PhD degree in Finance and Real Estate at Maastricht University in 2013.

How it works

Event details

Workshop location


Start date

Thursday, February 8, 2024

End date

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Workshop days



From 11:00 to 12:00


Rachel Harris

Krista Alexander


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Additional details

This workshop has a $25 non-attendance fee

Registration deadline

Monday, February 5, 2024