Proposal to Publication | GPLL259


The peer-reviewed monograph is one of the primary ways by which in scholars in many disciplines share and disseminate their research. In this workshop, Concordia University Press's acquisitions editor will give a brief overview of scholarly book publishing in the humanities and qualitative social sciences. This session will discuss the key stages in the book publication process to help first-time authors know what to expect, as well as how to present their research as a proposal, how to prepare a manuscript for peer review, for funding applications, and for copyediting and proofreading.

Learning Objectives

After attending this workshop, participants will have:
1) Strategies for turning a doctoral dissertation into a book manuscript;
2) An understanding of how to identify a press that publishes in your area;
3) Strategies for drafting a book proposal;
4) Knowledge of the peer review process; book production processes and your role; and open access scholarly book publishing.

Leaders Information

Ryan Van Huijstee is Concordia University Press’s acquisitions editor. He was most recently managing editor at McGill-Queen’s University Press and was also an acquisitions editor at University of Toronto Press.


Event details

Workshop location

Sir George Williams

Start date

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

End date

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Workshop days



From 11:00 to 12:00


Ryan Van Hujistee


Basak Tozlu


10 / 30

Registration deadline

Sunday, October 30, 2022