Data mining & algorithmic bias | GPLL256


This workshop will guide participants through the first steps of doing data analysis, specifically text mining with Weka.
Weka is an open-source machine-learning tool. We will be replicating the work of Mike Thelwall in his paper on Gender bias in machine learning for sentiment analysis.

Before getting into the hands-on text mining exercise, we will present a brief introduction to AI and machine learning, as well as the notion of algorithmic bias; what it is, how is introduced, and its repercussions.

By the end of the workshop participants will have applied a sentiment analysis technique to a gender-segregated data set and be able to determine its effect on the resulting predictive model.

Learning Objectives

Participants of this workshop will:
  • Understand basic notions of AI: machine learning and predictive models.
  • Understand what is algorithmic bias, how is introduced in machine learning models and its possible repercussions.
  • Transform text into word vectors (Bag of Words Approach) as a technique to perform text-mining tasks.
  • Create a model for sentiment prediction using a machine learning approach based on a training corpus of real-life textual data (Tripadvisor comments on hotels and restaurants).
  • Evaluate the model and compare the performance with different gender-biased training corpuses.

Leaders Information

This workshop is given by Francisco Berrizbeitia. Eng, M.Sc, Developer at Concordia Library. Francisco currently works on applying text mining and machine learning techniques to document classification for a variety of purposes.

Additional Information

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before the workshop, students are strongly encouraged to install Weka and download the data.

How it works

Event details

Workshop location

Sir George Williams

Start date

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

End date

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Workshop days



From 13:00 to 15:00


Francisco Berrizbeitia


Harshal Vaid


9 / 15

Registration deadline

Sunday, November 5, 2023