Improving Your Funding Application | GPLL443


Are you planning on applying for future scholarships or awards? Is a deadline fast approaching? You don’t even know how to start writing your research proposal? This workshop is for you!

Aside from the purely financial benefit of receiving a scholarship, awards also serve to recognize your achievements and focus more on your studies and your research. In this workshop, you will learn how to write a successful application, showcase your strengths, and make your proposal stand out among your peers.x

Learning Objectives

In this workshop, you will learn to:
  • Understand the main elements of an application and their relevance
  • Outline a research proposal that is clear, concise, coherent, and compelling
  • Obtain as many tools as possible to help you succeed in your funding experience

Leaders Information

This workshop is led by Cecilia Kramar, Fellowship Advisor for the School of Graduate Studies. Cecilia holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience, has successfully mentored numerous graduate students with their funding applications, and has extensive knowledge of international and local funding programs.

How it works

Event details

Workshop location


Start date

Thursday, February 23, 2023

End date

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Workshop days



From 10:00 to 12:00


Cecilia Kramar


Harshal Vaid


24 / 100

Registration deadline

Monday, February 20, 2023