Networking With Professionals in your Field Through Informational Interviews | GPCB699


Want to learn how to connect with professionals in your industry to gain insight from their career path and experiences that will help you guide your job search? Whether you want some advice on the industry, company or position that you are targeting or are seeking to switch industries, informational interviews may be your answer.

Learn how to find people to connect with from inside and outside of your network, how to ask for a meeting and how to prepare effectively.

Learning Objectives

In this workshop, participants will learn:
- The role of an informational interview in their job search
- Networking tips and when to request an informational interview
- How to prepare for a successful meeting
- What to do and expect after the meeting

Leaders Information

This workshop is led by Kristel Kabigting, from Career and Planning Services.

How it works

Event details

Workshop location


Start date

Friday, April 12, 2024

End date

Friday, April 12, 2024

Workshop days



From 10:00 to 11:30


Kristel Kabigting


Daniela Luiz Martin


45 / 60

Additional details

This workshop has a $25 non-attendance fee

Registration deadline

Tuesday, April 9, 2024