Leading a Critique: An Advanced Workshop for Fine Arts TAs | GPTK707


What makes a productive critique? What are some effective approaches for leading critiques in a way that is most conducive to learning? What strategies should be put in place prior to critique day to ensure that a generative and respectful environment is fostered for the classroom community? In this workshop, goals, strategies, and techniques to effective critiques will be modeled through presentations, case studies and dialogue.

Learning Objectives

Having successfully completed this seminar, you will be able to: 
  • Establish goals for the critique process
  • Identify effective and ineffective approaches to critiques 
  • Identify strategies for fostering respectful, critical dialogue 

Leaders Information

This workshop is facilitated by professors Erika Adams, Kelly Jazvac and Aaron McIntosh from the Department of Studio Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts.


Erika Adams (she/her)  is the Graduate Program Director and Associate Professor in the Print Media Program Area at Concordia University. Her studio practice explores how meaning is embedded in form and how text is inspired by insect societies, flocks on birds, wrestlers, poetry and everyday interactions. https://www.erikaadams.com


Kelly Jazvac (she/her) is the Graduate Program Director for the MFA program in the department of Studio Arts, and Associate Professor in the Sculpture Program Area. Since 2009, she has been interested in effective critique strategies. 


Aaron McIntosh (he/him) is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator in the Fibres & Material Practices at Concordia University. His multidisciplinary practice addresses identity formation, queer histories and speculative futures, as well as ecocriticism. www.aaronmcintosh.com

How it works

Event details

Workshop location

Sir George Williams

Start date

Thursday, September 28, 2023

End date

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Workshop days



From 10:30 to 12:30


Erika Adams

Kelly Jazvac

Aaron McIntosh


25 / 40

Registration deadline

Monday, September 25, 2023