GPLL266 - Interdisciplinary Scholarship


Interdisciplinary bibliography building has the power to shed new light on research questions, corpuses, data, and objects of study. This workshop is aimed at researchers at the graduate level interested in interdisciplinarity, in exploring parallel research across fields, and in finding tools to facilitate or improve their searches. This workshop should be of specific interest to students enrolled in Interdisciplinary Programs, namely the Humanities Ph.D., Individualized Program (Phd, MA, MSc), and to graduate students considering an interdisciplinary approach. We will go beyond the basics by exploring search strategies and tools aimed at developing a comprehensive bibliography across social science, humanities, and fine arts disciplines. Tools and skills learned will be useful for preparing for various stages of the research process, namely the proposal, annotated bibliography and/or literature review, comprehensive exams, research forums and the writing of thesis chapters.

Learning Objectives

In this workshop, participants will:

1. Discover approaches to finding relevant bibliographic entries and scholarly materials beyond their primary field of study
2. Understand how citation searching via Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science works
3. Explore time-saving resources such as Annual Reviews, Oxford Bibliographies, Compass journals and bibliographic studies
4. Converse with other graduate students interested in interdisciplinary approaches.

Leaders Information

Rachel Harris is Scholarly Publishing Librarian at Concordia Library and was previously Teaching and Learning Libraian for Cinema, Music, Dance, Political Science, and Government Publications. She locates her research and teaching interests in the intersection between art history and book history and has taught undergraduate seminary courses in art history as well as the GPTK 704 Graduate Seminar in University Teaching (Fine Arts).

Susie Breier is the Anthropology, Sociology and Women’s Studies Librarian at Concordia Library. She has long enjoyed teaching graduate students in her subject areas about the tools and strategies described in this workshop and is looking forward to collaborating on a more interdisciplinary endeavour.