GPLL257 - Accessing Open Data


This presentation will give an overview of the main open data sources at the federal, provincial and municipal level. For instance, we will talk about Statistics Canada, l’Institut de la statistique du Québec and the geospatial data from the Ministère de l’Énergie et Ressources naturelles (MERN). We will also cover the Montreal Open Data Portal. We will conclude by introducing the question of Research Data Management and where to find data produced by faculty and graduate students.

Learning Objectives

1) Identify the main types of open data
2) Become familiar with various web sites and databases for government-generated data
3) Understand the concept of research data management and locate sources of academic research data

Leaders Information

Alex Guindon is the GIS/Data librarian at Concordia University. Mr. Guindon obtained a Master in Political Science from Université du Québec à Montréal and a Master in Library and Information Science from Université de Montréal. He has been working as a librarian at Concordia since 2000 and has been a liaison librarian for French Studies, Geography and Political Science. His current research interest is the description, indexing and accessibility of Census data , going back to pre-confederation censuses.